DatabeatOMNI | Our Customers

Frich's restaurant chain uses digital signage

Written by Cecilie Rubach | 3/25/19 8:01 AM

If you drive along the numerous roads in Norway, we can assure that you will find one of Frich's restaurants or hotels. Frich's have a digital strategy in place where they use digital signage to display information and content to their customers.

When you enter one of Frich's pleasant and welcoming restaurants you can easily see information displayed on the screens - from menu items to entertainment and events that are happening or scheduled to happen in the local area. With digital signage, they keep customers updated on current and future events. The restaurant chain's main focus is to provide its customers with quality, nutrition-rich food, and a great experience.

We had a chat with the Frich's CEO Roar Øien.

What is the reason why you wanted to use digital signage within the whole organisation?”

For our organisation which is franchise-driven, it is important for us that the customers get a great experience and that is why we have implemented digital signage within the whole organisation. We have used a lot of resources when it comes to creating content and we have hired a professional photographer to take pictures of our employees in action, our locations and the menu items that we have. These “feel good” images give our customers insight on how our employees work and how the food looks, we at Frich’s are certain that this gives our customers the little extra.

Roar Øien also tells us that they wanted to control the whole digital process is controlled from one single place. DatabeatOMNI makes this process easy, and a user can create and publish content to all the screens in every location within minutes. 

The reason why Frich's has chosen DatabeatOMNI is that the solution is so simple to use, they can add or change content and publish it directly with the DatabeatOMNI powerpoint plugin. With the everchanging menu items and prices, Frich's has the ability to change the content and prices right away and the time of printing out posters and making the employees hanging them up is over. One thing which is also great to mention is that Frich's saves a lot of costs and energy with them using DatabeatOMNI.

Having the ability to show customers the “feel good” images and dynamic content. Not only has the process of publishing content to an easy task, but it is also a fun thing to do. 

One message to all the locations – simple and easy.

One of the challenges with such a large organisation with multiple locations is having a consistent messaging and content showing towards their audience. Frich's has the need to frequently change prices and items on the menus. Before when they wanted to change something, they had to update the content in the design, send it over to the printers, having it delivered to them and the final part of the process is to hang up the poster in a specific area. With DatabeatOMNI the process has been very much simplified and there is no doubt that Frich's save time and cost with implementing this across the franchise.

Roar Øien mentions that “Now we can create our most popular menus and share it around all our locations. One of the main reasons why we have chosen DatabeatOMNI is that many more people in the organisation can work on content and publishing.

Our designers are specialised in creating digital signage content. Let us create ready-to-use templates – Check out OMNIdesign.

Try our FREE PowerPoint templates!

Roar Øien explains that they are in the process of building a new hotel, at Lake Mjøsa in Norway. The hotel is called “Wood Hotel” and is the tallest wood structure in the world. Wood Hotel will open its doors on 01.03.2019. Frich's will also implement DatabeatOMNI and as well Databeat latest product called “Databeat Doorsign”.

About DatabeatOMNI:

• A solution that is simple to create and publish content to screens.

• You can schedule content depending on time and weather.

• You can publish content directly from our DatabeatOMNI powerpoint plugin.

• DatabeatOMNI is a cloud-based solution and there is no need for costly installations
  and maintenance.